Which type of dolphin swim is the best?
You can get a dolphin swim in many places, ranging from Hotel pools to searshore resorts and expiditions going to special places in the depth of the ocaen. Which type is best?
Furthermore, captive dolphins are being exploited and even killed in their artifical commercial habitat. A long article about the sad truth behind the commercial captive dolphin industry appeared in 16-Aug-2003 in Orlando's dolphin swim discussion form. This article is a must read before you select the type of activity your want to take. 'swimming with dolphins' features blue chlorine, What's Wrong With Swimming With Captive Dolphins? Writes WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals):
Eco-oriented dolphins expiditions are the best experience to have. Our wild swim with dolphins is focused on ways where you can meet dolphins in nature. "The best Swimming with Dolphins is where both you and the dolphins are wild and free", writes "Wild Side Aquatic Safari" or Hawaii:
That's why you neeed a good captain! A good expedition captain can "increase the odds of meeting wild dolphins to 99%" (same source). Also, that's why a wild dolphin swim should really be called a wild dolphin encounter. Dolphin Swim GuideA dolphin swim is the experience of a lifetime. Take a look at the dolphin swim guide to learn how to get the most of this rewarding experience. Also take a look at hitech-dolphins recommended sources of inspirational pictures of dolphins, dolphin information, free dolphin screen savers, amazing dolphin art and beautiful dolphin clip art and cartoons. |
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