Creating my BusinessHow to create a stable business? And how to develop it with ease? Here you find tips and advice on how I am creating my business and expanding it with easy, as an organic part of my life.
What is the best way for creating your business? The salary in your day job grows at most at a linear rate with the number of hours you do and with your rank. But business potential is exponential. For the first time in history, you can create your business from home in your spare time without leaving your daytime job. This site gives you sound advice on how to create your business. It my be done without a lawyer, without quitting you day job, without the need for creating a business plan and taking a loan and getting your own tax id in Nevada. The dream is within your reach, in your own spare time. Make a test for you concepts and get security and stability. This site shows you how to focus your energy in the most effective way. No knowledge of technology is needed. Important PrinciplesLeave technology behind. Technology is changing too fast. Instead, focus your talent in creating solutions for real, human needs. Jobs disappear. And you current job will disappear as well. Focus your creative energies in actively creating your future. Read the following articles: Consulting business formation - tips to help you form your consulting business. Online business formation - tips for flexibly create your own business online on your spare time.
Balanced Work: Career Choice | Career Education | Finding a Job | Working with Joy | Career Change | Creating my Business | Full time Me | Human Computer Technology | Hitech Dolphin's Blog | Inspirational Life | Lyrics of Songs | About / Site Vision . Dolphins Joy : Dolphin Pictures Gallery | Dolphin Gifts Guide | Dolphin Art Gallery | Dolphin Ring Pictures | Dolphin Jewelry Pictures | Hitech Dolphin's Swim Journal | Useful Resources Written by Amnon Levav. Songs by Orit Levav. All rights reserved (c), 2004-2007.